Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Monday, January 14, 2008


"It's just another manic Monday." I woke up feeling just awful this morning. I didn't get much sleep last night and it was all I could to drag myself out of bed. I finally got myself to work only about 10 minutes later than usual (and still early by most of the other employees' standards) and continued to feel horrible. I drank a lot of water and slowly, slowly woke up. I was totally not feeling the gym today, but I decided that I was going to go anyway. Now, I feel great!!! I have all this energy!! This morning is nothing but a distant memory. A friend of mine told me this would happen. Darn her being right!!

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