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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Musings and Ramblings of a Tired Gal

So I'm sitting outside at the community college near the cafeteria eating dinner. I'm a people-watcher, so naturally I'm watching people. And much to my surprise, I see a girl wearing short shorts, high heels, and . . . a hoodie. Now, I know that it's a bit nippy. Despite it being spring in San Diego, it's not warm here yet. Knowing this, I completely understand the hoodie. I also understand that sometimes the day will start out warm and then become nippy. So I basically understand the shorts. However, the heels? As my husband quaintly put it, "Unless you're in a rap video, there is no good reason to wear heels with shorts." Enough said.

In the course of my people watching, I began to get more of a sense of the people that attend this particular community college. I feel that community colleges attract a wider range of people - young people out of high school who can't afford a university yet, young people out of high school who don't know which university they want to go to, older people who are seeking to further their education and realize that it's just more affordable to go to community college, etc. But there is one type of person who never ceases to amaze me. There are those (usually younger, 18-21) who are enrolled in school and occasionally show up to class that don't pay attention, don't do the homework, and don't really care how they do on the tests. Why are they even there?! They are wasting their time, the teacher's time, someone's money, and a seat in a class that somebody else probably wants. Stop it! Either pay attention and take advantage of the opportunity you have, or stop wasting space!

And with that, this tired young woman is off to bed. Right after I plan my next post.

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