Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Answer to My Problems

I have finally found it. You know, IT. The answer to my problems. No longer do I feel tired, unmotivated, lazy, stressed, overwhelmed. All due to a miraculous thing - coffee. I'm serious. I used to be a die hard coffee drinker. Then I decided that wasn't healthy and I started drinking green tea. Then I decided to not have any caffeine at all because I was working out a lot and I had enough energy. Well I haven't been working out lately (which is another post in and of itself) so I have no energy. But today, oh yes, today I drank coffee. Not just any coffee, either - Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla coffee. And not just a little coffee - four cups in one afternoon.

The result? I feel great! I worked over nine hours, drove home (hitting every red light), cooked dinner, caught up on my reader feeds, and am now posting on my blog. Coffee is a miracle elixir!! Apparently, it has even been linked to liver health, fewer gallstones in women (who are 50% more prone to them than men), and clearer skin.

I pledge to never swear off coffee again. Hooray for coffee!!


Anonymous said...

The problem with coffee is that over time, your reaction to it goes down. Many people I know, say they're immune to it and can basically drink it and roll over and go to sleep.

My personal philosophy: Save coffee for emergencies and try to sleep more.

Unknown said...

Michael, that is definitely true. Thanks for stopping by and for the advice!