Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is the Internet Making Me Crazy?

Well . . . yes it is. I love the internet. It is a magical place full of interesting people, fascinating information, odd things, cool things, weird things. The internet has made my life better; I've learned, found my husband, networked, and started this blog all because of the internet. But lately I started to feel overwhelmed. I had SO many unread posts in my reader, SO many things I should blog about, SO many people to follow on Twitter, SO many things to do that it got to be too much. So I took a break. I just stopped. I didn't read the blogs, I didn't follow Twitter, I didn't even post on this blog. Do you know what happened? Life continued. The earth kept turning. I felt calmer. I read a book! Shocking!

Of course I can't really live without the internet. Why would I want to? But taking a few days off from it helped me to put things into perspective. It's okay to *gasp* not be online and to not necessarily know the very instant something happens. It's okay to not read every blog post in your reader. It's okay to feel . . . very 20th century.

So now that I've had my breather, I'm back. I'm loving Twitter in all it's glory, I'm caught up on my blogs, and here I am posting. But who's to say I won't get overwhelmed again? Well, you guys (yep, you, reading this) are some smart people. What do you do so that you don't get overwhelmed by everything on the internet?


Unknown said...

Rachel, it is so easy to get overwhelmed with all of the information. I disconnect periodically. I catch up on blogs when I can and try to structure my days to focus on what's important. Most importantly, I don't feel guilty when I'm out of touch. I love the internet but try to balance it with the life that happens offline too. On occasion I even use the telephone instead of Twitter. :-)


Unknown said...

Karen, thanks for the good advice. Telephone? What's that? :-)

Anonymous said...

It's scary how addicting it all is. Sometimes it traps me and keeps me up past my bedtime, even when I get home at 11:15. I think it's really important to be disciplined, and take little breaks like you're doing.

Unknown said...

Michael, Thanks for stopping by. I agree that the internet is extremely addicting and breaks are crucial.