Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Talk About Tuesday - Goals

I'm so excited to participate in Talk About Tuesday again. I've been so busy lately that I've been letting my blogging slip. But now I have something really great to blog about, so here I am! This is actually going to be the first in a series of posts about how to achieve goals. Stay tuned to learn all of the steps!!

In the last several months, I have been focusing on the future and on improving myself and figuring out what I want to do. I was going through various blogs recommended by my Google Reader and I came across Marcia Francois over at http://www.takechargesolutions.org. Marcia is a time management and organizing coach who helps people organize their time, space, business and life. Among her repertoire is a session she has regarding 7 Things You Must Do To Achieve Your Goals. I was lucky enough to sign up to receive the audio of those seven things, and you can too by visiting http://tinyurl.com/2etlkp. You will receive the seven things in seven separate clips, each about 3 to 4 minutes. They are well worth your time.

The first thing she covers is that you must know your mission. She points out that many people choose goals that other people suggest, that other people are doing, or things that they think they should be doing. I completely agree. I'm often swayed by the opinions of those I'm around, not just in what they think I should do, but also how they think I should do it. Yet, if you don't have a clear concept of your mission in life, you cannot set appropriate goals.

Since listening to this audio, I've been thinking about my mission. I truly believe that everyone should have a mission statement for their life. At times it may change, but it's important to know where you want your life to go. I'm currently mulling over different thoughts relating to my marriage and my career. How fun!!

Be sure to check back for number 2 in the series of 7 things you must do to achieve your goals.

Special thanks to Marcia for letting me blog about this series. I can't wait to go through them all!


Anonymous said...

those are some great tips!

Lara said...

So true! Especially as a homeschooler I feel like we need to be doing what everyone else is doing but we need to stay focused on our own mission and goals.

Anonymous said...

I've often thought about having a Mission Statement, but wouldn't even know where to start!

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone for the comments.

imadramama - definitely check out Marcia's website! She has wonderful tools (some for free and some for a small fee) to help you set and achieve your goals. This is the one I need: http://www.takechargesolutions.org/?page_id=14