Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rant Day

Today has officially become Rant Day. Maybe I'll make every Friday Rant Day. It will get rid of my negative energy before the weekend. Now, usually I'm in a great mood on Friday. Heck, it's Friday!! I'm actually in an especially good mood today because tomorrow is my 21st birthday. But I started thinking about one thing and that just led to other things and so here are. Let the ranting begin:

  • People who cut class. My husband and I are taking a psych class on Thursday nights. Every week there are two tests (one for each chapter of reading she assigns). She gives one test before the break and one after. Several people have been taking the first test and then leaving in the middle!! It's so annoying to me. They are missing over an hour of lecture, plus the other test. These same people are the type that text message and whisper while she's lecturing. Our prof is actually very interesting and lectures on material related to the book and the tests. This is a huge pet peeve of mine.
  • Those who try to put love in a box. It's not an intangible, fanciful thing. However, it is also not something that can be specifically defined in a certain way. There are so many different types of love and so many factors that influence how we love. I feel that it is simply not possible to specifically categorize love. It is frustrating that many people feel they have to. Because they do that, they judge other people who may not love the same way, and often they can have trouble if someone they are in a relationship with has a different love style than them. Instead of communicating, they simply decide that the other person doesn't love them and they end the relationship. So ridiculous.
  • People who don't like Umbrella. I know that at first it may sound annoying to some (including me). But if you listen to it, it's a great song about love and commitment. How can you not enjoy that? Seriously!!

Ok. I feel better now. Do me a solid and watch the Umbrella video. Listen to the words. Really!!

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