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Monday, March 31, 2008

How to Achieve Your Goals - Steps 4 and 5

I've been posting a series based on Marcia Francois' wonderful seminar "7 Things You Must do to Achieve Your Goals." If you haven't subscribed to my blog yet, then please go check out my first two posts - Step 1 and Steps 2 and 3.

Step one was to know your mission. Step two was to set big, juicy goals that stretch you a bit. And step three was to write down your goals, and follow that up with sharing it with someone to more fully commit yourself. These next two goals really go hand-in-hand. Let's see how.

Step 4 - Evaluate your lifestyle. If you are so busy that you cannot find time for things that are important to you, you have to learn to say yes to yourself. Look at your goals that you've written down, and see if you actually have time to accomplish the steps that lead to accomplishing your goals. If you don't you realize that some things need to change. Look at your daily and weekly schedule and find areas you can cut back on so that you will have time to work towards your goals. Often the things we do, we do only to please others and not to support our goals.

Step 5 - Realize that you always have a choice. You always have a choice as to how you respond to things that happen to you. If you want to be a person who achieves their goals, you must make wise decisions about how you spend your time. You cannot spend time doing things that are at odds with your goals. When you say yes to one thing, you are saying no to other things. Learn to say yes to the correct things. Start saying no to things that are not in line with your goals.

So we've already determined our mission, set our goals, and written them down. Now we need to take some time to evaluate our lifestyle to make time for reaching our goals and acknowledge that we always make a choice. It's up to us to make the right choices to work towards our goals.

Stay tuned for the end of this series with steps 6 and 7.

If you would like to receive a free copy of Marcia Francois' series on 7 Things You Must Do to Achieve Your Goals, please click here. To learn more about Marcia, her qualifications, and how she can help you, please visit her website by clicking here.

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