Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Monday, March 24, 2008

San Diego Zoo

Chris is taking an anthropology class this semester and he was assigned a zoology project that involved, you guessed it, going to the zoo. The point was to observe primates and then he as a paper to write on it. So we decided that today was the perfect opportunity. We had a blast!!! I'm going to post some of the pictures we took. I have to point out that we're not really big on taking pictures of each other, but the animals are so adorable that you have to take pictures of them!

That is exactly what all of the gorillas thought of us!

These are Wolf's Guenons. They are so tiny! The one on the left is the mama, and the other two are smaller, but still nearly full-size.

Of course we went through the entire zoo, but since our focus was on the primates, that's mostly what we took pictures of. We had a blast! I can't believe we've lived here for three years and this is the first time we've been. Oh, well, better late than never . . . right?

To learn more about the San Diego Zoo or to find out how you can help to keep it going, visit http://sandiegozoo.org/.

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