Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Ok, deep breath, say it with me, "FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE!!" Who is not excited? Well, probably a lot of people. But the rest of us are all over it. I love football season. I get really into it. We've joined a fantasy football league, so the games are so much more interesting. Even if my team (the Bengals) or my husband's team (the Cowboys) isn't playing, we still have a vested interest in most of the games. Sunday's spent cheering on our teams, eating nasty food like chips and dip, drinking beer (gasp). What could be better?

Along the lines of football, but slightly unrelated, we picked up Madden '09 for th PS3 this week. I have to say, Madden is back to it's incredible self. There are a few glitches on the Xbox 360, but all the strange glitches from last year have been removed. It's time for some football domination!

And in about five months I'll return to my usual, sane self. Stay tuned!

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