Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin for Republican VP

Since the news of McCain's choosing Sarah Palin for his VP hit the wire, I've not been inundated with people wanting to know my thoughts. So for all those people who are not asking, I thought I'd write a post and let you know anyway. :-)

First, let me say that politics are very, very new to me. There are a lot of reasons for that which I'm not going to get into right now. But I've only recently begun to learn about politics and how our government works and in turn become interested in it. I haven't paid much attention to the presidential race up until the last couple of weeks because, well, it was a lot to take in and it was just a bit much. But now that we're down to two candidates, I think I can handle it.

I find it frustrating that I cannot completely agree with the politics of either party. Nor can I fully buy into the policies of either candidate. So I'm left with a "lesser of two evils" situation. My husband assures me that everyone is right there with me.

All of that being said, I think the choice of Sarah Palin was fabulous. A lot of people wanted Hillary in office. Obviously Sarah is not Hillary, but a lot of voters would rather vote for Sarah than no woman at all. A lot of voters are disgruntled that Barack did not pick Hillary as his VP. And now McCain has done something that nobody expected and invited not only a woman, but someone who is quite young to be his running mate. Shocking, yes? She can bring a fresh perspective and she is someone that many people can identify with; a hardworking wife and mother of several children, one of whom is in the Army and delpoying to Iraq. She too has a vested interest in the war and whatever she is lacking in foreign policy experience will be made up by her connection with her son who will be there. I look forward to her debate with Biden. I'm excited to see how she handles herself and what she plans to bring to the table.

Everyone has a different opinion, especially on a subject as volatile as this one. Tell me in the comments what yours is.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your thoughts.

Unknown said...

Richrecruiter - Thanks so much! :-)

Anonymous said...

let's be clear, women won't vote for her only because she wears a skirt and is female. it's about the issues - ultimately. and she stands for things that many hillary supporters don't align with like abortion, gun control, etc. i think it's insulting that mccain thinks he can win over the female populace with someone who is so NOT hillary and who could not be further from her in terms of point of view and pedigree. she is far from it. again, it's about what the republican platform vs. democratic platform stands for.

from a feminist and obama/mccain '08 supporter (previously a hillary supporter) "eight is enough"

Teena in Toronto said...

They just called for an election here in Canada so we'll be bombarded with U.S. and Canadian propoganda.