Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Wow, time flies when you're having fun. Or working a lot. Or don't have a laptop so you can't get online at home very much. And if all three of those things are going on, it's all over.

I'm still without laptop. I'm saving up to buy the laptop that I really want. It's a Sony Vaio with a built-in webcam and microphone. It's beautiful. :) And although it's still a budget machine, it's a bit more than the other ones available. Still, I really think it will be worth the wait. So until I get it (hopefully in October), my online presence will be sporadic at best.

I've been working overly much lately. Since I'm doing my job as well as handling responsibilities that would normally belong to my boss' assistant, I've been a little overwhelmed. In fact, some things are slipping, which is never good. We've recently landed a huge contract (yay!), which is great, but a LOT of extra work. I'm always glad to help, but it has caused some loooong days.

Every day I seem to come up with great blog ideas. Something will happen, or I'll read something, or I'll hear something, and I'll think, "I should blog about that!" And then life catches up with me and no blogging really happens. It's frustrating for me because I enjoy blogging. Whenever a significant period of time passes without me blogging, I feel as if I'm starting over again. And that really just frustrates me more.

All of this has led me to a feeling of disconnectivity (I'm trademarking that word) with my interwebs. I'm still reading all the blogs I love and commenting when I can, but I don't feel as though I'm really dedicating the time to blogging and online friends that I should. Hopefully I can stick it out just a little bit longer and then I'll be back on the wagon with my new laptop.


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