Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Life . . . Keeps Going

It's odd that just because you may be having an off time, things don't stop to let you catch up. In fact, they tend to go faster. I can't believe I went so long between posts. The funny thing is that every day I get a reminder from my Google Calendar agenda, letting me know that I need to post on one of my blogs. What do I do? Archive it. Which I can do because, well, they're my blogs.

Often in life things start to get crazy. And then they get crazier. It's not a big deal. It's the way of things. Strangely, during these sorts of times, it is easy to let the important things go, the things that really bring us peace. For me, blogging and reading blogs is a way to clear my head, to process thoughts, learn new things. Since I tend to think of blogging as a hobby, I seem to let it slide when I start to get stressed. Instead, I turn to "enjoyable" things, like video games, computer games, etc. Those are all well and good, but when I'm done playing, I frequently feel as though I wasted time. This is not always the case. I do enjoy playing games and they are a great distraction for me. But when I spend all my time on mindless activities, I start to feel very bleh. I feel guilty that I "wasted time", that I didn't blog, that I didn't read.

Know when I don't feel guilty about playing games? Days like today. I worked a full day, went to the gym on my lunch break, worked out with free weights in the evening, baked cookies, cleaned my kitchen, watched TV, and spent time with my husband. And I played a computer game. The moral of the story?

There isn't one, really. This is just me noticing a part of myself. It's not necessarily a flaw, it's just something I need to be aware of and learn to work with or around. And this is me getting back to the things that matter to me.

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