Wife, comic nerd, gamer, professional, reader, blogger, pet owner, friend, sister, aspiring HR pro, office manager. What am I? What am I not?

Monday, July 7, 2008

There is Hope

So if you follow me on Twitter (which you should be doing if you're a cool kid), then you know that my laptop decided to die on me this weekend. I have been sadly out of touch with the online world. I'm terrified to check my Google Reader for fear of how many posts I need to read. Anyhow, my point is that I was planning to put together several posts over the weekend. I have them all in my head, I just need to work them out into a post. Due to the amazing invention, Facebook, I've got a great computer guy looking at my laptop tomorrow. He says that it will probably be something simple and I'll be up and running quickly. I hope he's right! I need my laptop! So, please, bear with me over the next few days while I get put back together.

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